About Clifford Willard Gaylord
Clifford Willard Gaylord, industrialist and civic leader, was born October 10, 1883, in Lockport, Illinois, and died on January 7, 1952. In 1920, he joined his uncle in St. Louis at the container firm of Robert Gaylord, Inc. and within a year became president, following his uncle’s retirement.
From 1941 to 1945, he was State Adjutant General and commander of the Missouri National Guard. A leading citizen of St. Louis, Mr. Gaylord served on many boards and was generous in his support of many worthwhile charitable endeavors.

Clifford Willard Gaylord Foundation
The Clifford Willard Gaylord Foundation was established by Gaylord on November 12, 1948, and supports organizations in the fields of education, health, social services, scientific research, performing arts, museums, scholarly publications and historic preservation. Grants are made to non-profit organizations within Missouri.
James K. Berthold
Michael R. Gibbons
Daniel A. Graham, Chair
Judy A. Moskoff
David M. White
Grant Application Process
Trustees meet to consider grant requests early in December of each year. For consideration, please submit requests in electronic form using Missouri Common Grant Application (Short Form) by November 1. Required financial statements should be submitted in MS Excel spreadsheet files set to print on letter or legal size paper in a readable type size. Grant submissions will be acknowledged by email.
Questions regarding the foundation can be directed to: